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Customer Reviews for Van Halen & Kenny Wayne Shepherd

2 Customer reviews


Star rating


Diamond Dave to Disappointing Dave from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
28th August 2015

The Van Halen's were AMAZING! I absolutely loved hearing all these great songs BUT Diamond Dave 's vocals were downright sad. I was actually embarrassed for him. He was out of his league with the rest of the band. I think the sound guy knew exactly what he was doing- trying to muffle Dave's pathetic attempt at singing. I don't regret seeing them- Alex & Eddie were awesome & sound as good as they did back when I was in high school. And I hope they continue, just with a talent who can deliver on the vocals

Beyond Disappointing

Anonymous from Dallas, Texas
24th September 2015

David Lee Roth's vocals were worse than listening to karaoke. He has completely lost his upper range and breath control, skipping the first word or two of almost every verse, throwing off the rhythm of the song for the rest of the band, and even resorted to saying the words instead of singing them when he couldn't keep up. The entire show was so off pitch and the words so unrecognizable it was difficult to even try to sing along with, which of course this audience was desperate to do. The Van Halen boys should consider an acoustic show without the lead vocals. If you were at this show and my age, having seen Van Halen/Van Hagar since the early '80s, this was an absolutely cringe-worthy experience. First concert I've EVER left that long before it was over.